Any search for a private office space in Grapevine should include a trip to 3549 Grapevine Mills Parkway, Suite 100, in Grapevine. That is the location of SAS Office Suites of Grapevine, the home of the best Grapevine coworking space available.
Write this phone number down: (817) 439-3224. Once you’ve written it down, call it. That will put you in touch with our leasing agent, and that will be your first step towards the best monthly rental of a professional office space in the city of Grapevine.
We also own and operate Paddock Place Office Suites in North Fort Worth, in the Fort Worth Design District; different name, but the same quality short-term office rental.
Why short-term office rental?
Not every business owner can afford a professional office space Grapevine for a year’s lease. In Grapevine, or in the entire Fort Worth area, a professional private office lease might cost $1500 per month, and that’s probably a low figure. During these tough economic times, that is a steep price to pay when uncertainty fills the marketplace. Add to that utilities and insurance and the cost of office furniture and . . .
It’s expensive!
But what if you could rent an office suite Grapevine by the month, only when you need it? What if you only had to pay $400 per month, with no minimum rental agreement? Would that fit into your budget a bit better? Would that help to eliminate the risk of renting an executive office?
Of course it would, and that’s what we offer at SAS Office Suites of Grapevine.
Who do we appeal to?
We appeal to home-business owners who need a professional space for a short period of time. We appeal to small entrepreneurs who need a month of research and development in a professional environment. We appeal to those lone wolves who want to rub shoulders with other professionals from time to time. And yes, we appeal to any business owner or manager or salesman with a small budget but huge dreams.
What you get for your bucks
At SAS Office Suites of Grapevine, and Paddock Place Office Suites, you get a professional private office space in a professional building, available 24/7 for your convenience. You do not pay for utilities. You do not pay for your private mail box. You do not pay for the kitchen facilities or the furniture or the shared conference room or the WiFi.
You pay for the office, period, end of story, and when your month rental, or your two month rental, is up, you move on, we move on, and we are all satisfied.
This is as simple as it gets in office rentals. You have no obligation. You pay your money and absolve yourself of any other rental concerns. You can tuck yourself away inside your private office, perfect for these pandemic days. You can put on a mask and share the kitchen for lunch. You can walk outside, get a coffee, clear your mind, meet with clients, make important phone calls, whatever you would do in an office space you rented for a year or more.
Give us a call today! Be in your Grapevine office space for lease tomorrow.
It’s that simple with SAS Office Suites of Grapevine.